Rangers of Yeti – Army on the rise?

In the past, we have seen RY smash through armies and just legendary performance. Some of you might ask now, “Where are they now?”.

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New Ownership and Promos!!!

Today we have promos and new ownership for August 2012! 

NEW SERGEANT: GoobleBunch! Good job for getting the promo!

NEW OWNERSHIP 3ic: 2Funky3

NEW OWNERSHIP 2ic: Cutietuti25

Great job guys. Im proud of all of you. More August ranks might be coming soon from the other leaders!

But these are my Troops who I think deserve the promo! Keep being active and get a promo!






1:00 PST PM

4:00 EST PM

9:00 UK PM


Ranks are now up!

Hey guys Xray here, and today we have the Ranks up and accurate! Keep it up. Remember try to get on chat as much as you can.



Me (Xray26), Fiffy, and Pablo are the leaders 🙂 So Respect us and other troops. Also HAVE FUN!